Thursday, March 30, 2017

Learning to Use and Program an Arduino is a Very Useful Hobby

The Arduino is a small electronic board that has a programmable microprocessor. This little board comes in many flavors, but basically allows you to interface with the real world by reading sensors as inputs and controlling things with outputs. Many hobbyist and professionals around the world use this board, along with appropriate electronics, to make, repair, and test complex electronic systems. Learning to use and program the Arduino has many advantages such as learning to program microprocessors, repairing other electronic devices, and creating new devices used for interacting and controlling things in real-world systems.
The Arduino is an open-sourced project started in 2005. Since the first revision, many flavors have been created, including versions from many third-party manufacturers. This means that options have increased while prices have fallen. Originally, it was created to be what is called a “dev board”, or developer board. The cost and ease of programming allowed it to dominate the hobby space. It took off in many ways. Even some of the first open-source 3D printer projects used Arduinos. It opened the door for the electronics novice to jump from simple circuit designs into the world of digital microprocessors. Thanks to the Arduino, millions of people around the world have learned about interfacing with and programming microprocessors.

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